Monday, December 23, 2019

California s Statutory Prohibit Marriage - 949 Words

QUESTION PRESENTED 1) Whether California’s statutory prohibit marriage between two persons of the same sex violate the California Constitution by denying equal protection of laws to gay, bi-sexual, lesbians and transgender a right to marry, or by denying the right to privacy and freedom of expression? BRIEF ANSWER No. Because the Constitution was written for a man and a woman to marry based on religion and would be a direct violation of what we have been taught all of our lives. Such a profound change would cause the institutions to teach in a â€Å"new† form with a democratic process. FACTS On June 4, 2008, the plaintiffs in this case include fifteen same-sex couples who wish to marry in California and support groups for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Californians. They were denied many times; however, now before the California Supreme Court, they argue that â€Å"California has long led the nation in recognizing that constitutional provisions guaranteeing equal protection, privacy, due process and freedom of association and expression require that lesbian and gay people, like all people, be treated fairly under the law.† Nonetheless these protections, California has denied same-sex couples the right to marry. That denial, they argue, violates the California Constitution. DISCUSSION In this proceeding, the trial court ruled in favor of plaintiffs which were a devastating blow to the Constitution. The Court of Appeal of California reversed the trial court’s ruling onShow MoreRelatedThe Against Gay Marriage : Racism Or Proverb1737 Words   |  7 Pages Opposition to Gay Marriage: Racism or Proverb Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. But discrimination is a treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category. Is the opposition to gay marriage an act of racism, discrimination or truth? Homosexuality andRead MoreEssay Minorities in Congress4213 Words   |  17 Pagesthe harsh losses through the 1960’s, women’s hope for Congressional office was on the rise. From 1970 through 1988, 52 nonincumbent women won election to Congress. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Roosevelt Sources Question Free Essays

1. People supported Roosevelt in the 1932 election because he was promising to rebuild the American people. He told them that he was waging war against ‘destruction’ which was of the economy and business. We will write a custom essay sample on Roosevelt Sources Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now He also said he was waging war against delay, deceit and despair. All of those were from the last government, the Hoover government. He promised he would give the lower class people a chance with new jobs, new ideas. After the last government of Hoovers people had grown to hate him and so whatever Roosevelt’s ideas, they were going to vote for him. The American people heard what Roosevelt was saying and because it sounded so much better than Hoovers they praised him. The way he put his speech across, he said, â€Å"Give me your help, not to win votes alone, but to win in this crusade to restore America†. This made the American people think that he really didn’t just want votes he made them think that he really was just trying to win the crusade for America. 2. Source B and C present two different judgements on the New deal. B was written by an American historian writing in 1945, and C is from a book, ‘The Roosevelt Myth’ by and American historian published in 1945. Source B, i think was written after Roosevelt dies. We can tell this by the way that the passage is written in the past tense that he was dead. The difference between each of them is very simple. Source B is telling me that there was a lot of self confidence in the New Deal because it says that during 1933 people will have remembered that the change form depression and discouragement to excitement and hope. It also talks about how the physical rebuilding of the country has been happening during the 1920’s and the 1930’s. This problem was tackled by Roosevelt employing three million young men in the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). They planted 17 million acres of new forests and built over 6 million dams to avoid erosion. The New Deal also cut unemployment in another way. Roosevelt introduced unemployment assistance; old-age pensions and he banned child labour. In the political field the government was strengthened but i still gave the public people the ability to vote out the government and so by calling Roosevelt a dictator wasn’t true. 3. In this photograph i think that the photographer is trying to show the stereotype of a happy white family and then below the reality of a black persons life. This photo was likely to have been staged by editing and cutting to provide the photographer with the ideal picture. The picture of the white family shows them as happy, wearing hats, with a dog and going about life in the ‘American Way!’ There was a survey done about how many desk jobs black people got against how many white people got, the white got considerably more jobs than the blacks. The picture is extremely ironic because the difference between the blacks, lining up to receive their government relief and the white family driving being very happy in their car are at two totally different ends of the scale. This picture also proves that not everyone was happy with the new deal, people were still having problems. We can see this by looking at the grim looking faces on the black people. 4. These three sources show very very different points of views. Source E shows Roosevelt pouring money into the new deal, but at the bottom of the picture it shows how the money is just leaking out of the system. It shows that he had put in 16 billion dollars into it but still there was seven thousand million still to put into it. The caption shows Roosevelt saying that he hopes that its going to work, he believes it does. Source F is very much for Roosevelt. It shows Roosevelt throwing out all the rubbish that President had promised but had not honoured. In the rubbish is ‘Car in every garage’ this was supposed to allow every household in America to own their own car. Many other promises where made but most weren’t for filled. Source G shows Roosevelt with a bag full of remedies in case the new deal fell through, he is talking to congress and is explaining that if things don’t go smoothly he’ll have to change them. The old man sitting in the corner on the left is Uncle Sam he is sitting there because he i supposed to representing America. The bottles on the table, are the alphabet agencies the are the agencies that Roosevelt that Roosevelt made to help unemployment, and to restore the country. One of the Alphabet agencies the (CCC) took unemployment from 17 million and it helped rebuild the banks to help and avoid erosion. 5. I personally think that source H is the best. It is a letter from a supporter of Roosevelt. He is talking about how Roosevelt has helped him and his wife get back his possessions from the bank and get his loan extended. The man tells how he has never heard of a president quite like him and how amazing he is. The man goes on to say how him and his wife pray for him every night; it is said that he isn’t the only one. There are many millions of others. This is the best example of public opinion i think. Source I is just a song about how Roosevelt has stopped people from working and not getting the correct pay, and how glad they are that he is back. This source isn’t as good as source H. 6. I think these two people disagree about the new deal so much because source J is made by a business speaking in 1980 he says that Roosevelt gave to people rather than teaching them how to gain. He says that people then got used to not having to work so hard and so they just expected to get from Roosevelt. He says that they had soup lines and the depression because people ‘lost confidence in themselves.’ He says that ‘Welfare kills a man’s initiative’. He makes the example of a dog and says that ‘A dog you feed will not hunt.’ The point he is trying to make is that if you allow someone to get hungry and then that person has to work hard to eat then he’ll learn from that, but, if you just give money and government relief to him on a plate then he’ll just take it and run. Source K says the total opposite written by the secretary of Labour in Roosevelt’s New Deal government in the 1930s. She says that ordinary people had been given the chance of a much better life. Roosevelt ‘understood’ about how the depression had hit the heaviest on those people less able to bear the strain. Although the rich had been hit too hard too he knew they didn’t have so many problems, they had something left at least. The sentence he used was, â€Å"The idea was that all forces of the community should be directed to making life better for ordinary people.† Roosevelt tried his hardest to do this. 7. The first paragraph is a very psychological accepts of the New deal. It says that it helped many Americans and it helped the USA as a whole to life out of the depression. The New Deal may have helped but it wasn’t the only thing. Much of the Deal had helped like the alphabet agencies, they helped because it gave people jobs and the chance to work and gain money. They certainly lifted people’s hopes. This interpretation of the New Deal is quite a hopeful one. It makes the New Deal sound like it was faultless and that there were never any problems with it. This is not the case at all but it did help in its own way of getting the USA out of the depression. The second paragraph is wrong in many aspects and is factual. Firstly although the government did become reasonably powerful they didn’t become powerful enough to not be able to not be voted out by the American people, the public. They never got too powerful. Secondly, the view about making people dependant may have been right in some cases but not in all cases by any means. Many people did tend to rely on the government relief offered, but the majority of the country worked their way back up again and earned their living by doing hard work. Lastly, the situation about losing a lot of money is reasonably true as a statement but all of the money helped in its own way. Roosevelt did pour a lot of money into this New Deal but he wanted it to work so much. The money was leaking through the system but not all of it was a waste. I think that the first one is a much better interpretation of the evidence because, it the second one is not right what it says is wrong and doesn’t speak the truth. Yes its true the New Deal drained a lot of money out of American but it helped so many people in so many different ways that it was almost a saviour. How to cite Roosevelt Sources Question, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Case Study of Sandra-Free-Samples for Students -Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Sandra. Answer: Key issues faced by client: The case study of Sandra, a 28 year old girl who was refereed to counseling by her GP had the following issues: Conflict with partner: Sandra has been living together with Steven, however they have not married yet. Both of them have been dating since high school. However, the current problem in their relationship is coming up because of the disagreement between the two regarding the right time for marriage. This difference in views have led to heated arguments among them and scarred their warm relationship. Lack of direction in life: Sandra is a solicitor and she recently got a new job in a large firm. Earlier she was working in a small law firm for five years. Despite this achievement, she is not content with her life. She lacks direction regarding her future goals in life and is unsure about her current job position. Increase in mood swings: Mood swings is a major issue for Sandra as she is overwhelmed by hopelessness at times. Sometimes she feels very good and happy about herself but the feeling does not last long. She often feels worthless and has been experienced this feeling since adolescence. This negative feeling has become more intense now as she believes that she has not achieved what she had desired in life. Issues in social interaction: Another challenge for Sandra is that she finds it difficult to interact with people. Often in social gathering, she has reported of being restless and irritated with people. This might hamper her relations in life. Although this has not affected her work life yet, however she feels this may affect her work in the future. Negative feeling towards family members: Apart from her own personal goals, Sandra shows negative towards her family members too. She feels that as she is the eldest of the three children, her father has high expectation from her. This has overburdened her. In addition, she also feels that her mother does not provide her emotional support when she needs it the most Identification of areas of client life needing more information: The analysis of Sandras issues shows that some information is still missing and knowing about that may help during the therapy session. The areas of life needing more information are: Sandras goal in life: The case study mentions that Sandra is not good enough and not worthy. This is because she did not turned out to be a person she wanted to in life. However, there is no clarity regarding what was her aim in life. If the therapist can get the information regarding her past goals in life, it would help to identify the exact reason for Sandras disappointment. This would also help to interpret why Sandra has no directions in her life and is not sure about future aspirations. Sandras behavior in social situation: The case analysis of Sandra shows she feels restless and irritable with people. However, the exact scenario or situation under which she has this feeling is missing. It might be possible that she prefers living alone or she gets irritated when someone bothers her unnecessarily. This information would help to interpret the factors that lead to feelings of irritation in Sandra. Sandras father expectation towards her: Sandra reports that her father had higher expectations towards her than other siblings as she was the eldest. However, no detail is given regarding the exact expectation.. This information might help to determine the wish of her father that Sandra could not fulfill. This might also be the reason for Sandras feeling of worthlessness. This would help in addressing Sandras concern during counseling. Previous counseling: It is not known whether Sandra has taken counseling before or not. This information might help to determine the reason for her visit and what was not addressed that she came for counseling again. Two chosen therapeutic approaches: While working with Sandra, I would use the approach to cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for counseling her. The use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is appropriate for Sandra as it utilizes short term and goal oriented approach to problem solving. Cognitive behavior therapy is mostly given to individuals with range of issues such as relationship problems, anxiety, depression, drug abuse, and other issues in life. The goal of the therapy is to change pattern of thinking in affected person (Demner, 2016). The technique is based on the assumption that a persons mood is directly affected by their thought patterns. Therefore, it assist a person in recognizing their negative thought pattern, validate them and replace them with positive way of thinking. It assist client in understanding their problems and adapt new strategies to deal with issues. The combination of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy in CBT helps to modify thinking pattern and promote beh avior activation in people to overcome obstacles that prevent them from living happily (Farmer Chapman, 2016). Hence, I aim to use this technique to address negative feelings and disappointment in Sandra and change her thinking and behavior pattern. Another advantage of utilizing this technique in therapy session is that it takes very short time about one session per week lasting for 50 minutes. Another approach that I aim to utilize during therapy session for Sandra is Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). This kind of therapy is provided to individuals with emotional and behavioral challenges in life. It is a strategy that teaches mindfulness skills to client by means of commitment and behavior changes strategies. This approach enhances psychological flexibility in an individual so that they respond to situations based on what a particular situation demand and persist in new behavior and values as taught during therapy sessions (Hayes et al., 2013). ACT is based on the relational frame theory that serves to identify the war of clients with their own inner lives. A therapist then uses metaphor and experiential exercise to teach clients how to make health contact with their feelings, recontextualize event and commit to new and healthy behavioral changes in life (De Houwer, 2013). I aim to use the ACT strategy for Sandra because her thoughts patterns and attitudes is also a result of a war with her inner self and she needs to learn new ways to respond to life situations in a positive way. Hence, with this therapy, Sandra can learn ways to suppress and manage her negative emotions and introduce value based actions in her life. Rational for prioritizing client issue: Prioritizing client issue for CBT As Sandra is suffering because of her negative and irrational thought patterns, I aim to use CBT approach to explore cognitive processes of Sandra and change her attitude and behavior towards life. The main issue that needs to be prioritized by this therapy is mood swings and feelings of disappointment in Sandra. This is important because it is affecting both her personal and social life. During the therapy session, the focus will be on thoughts, images , belief and attitude of client. This would help to establish link between cognitive process of Sandra and how she behaves in life. This would help to identify the reasons for her being tearful and upset most of the time (Beck, Freeman, Davis, 2015). I would also include her parents in some of the sessions to assess how she reacts in normal life events and gain more insight about her mood swings and upset feelings. Another key issue faced by Sandra is that her feeling of worthlessness. CBT session aims to address this attitude of Sandra by asking her about the reasons for her dissatisfaction with current job. In addition, inquiring about her current goals and aspirations in life might also help to establish the link between her current achievements in life and her current feelings (Greenberg, 2017). Hence, the condition of hopelessness and restlessness can be addressed by this technique. Prioritizing client issues of ACT Through the use of ACT strategy, the client issue of mood swings and no directions in life will be addressed. As ACT approach establishes connection with the observing self, I will help Sandra to detach from negative thoughts and reduce worthless feelings in life. After the reduction of negative feelings, the client can eventually accept new behavioral change. Sandra will be asked to avoid exacerbating her feelings of worthlessness in life and instead strive for actions that enhance her confidence both in personal and professional life (Niles et al., 2014). Therefore, by means of ACT, I will promote psychological flexibility in Sandra. Another issue that will be prioritized according to the ACT strategy is that of her attitude of self-doubt and pointless feelings in life. During the therapy session, I aim to engage in value clarification so to help define what values and aspirations care important in Sandras life. This would guide her to action based on her values. People who have painful emotions and negative feelings in life fail to choose value based action and the technique of mind liberation in ACT therapy helps people to act congruently with their feelings (Craske et al., 2014). Hence, with this approach it is expected that Sandra can lead a fulfilling life post therapy. Discussion on technique for each chosen approach and evaluation of effectiveness on client: Cognitive behavioral therapy Technique used: CBT is based on psychodynamic theory, which explains that unconscious forces drive behavior of individual and technique of free association and transference helps to redirect feeling of clients and modify their thought pattern (Colarusso Nemiroff, 2013). With this assumption, the first step that I would use during therapy session would be to openly interact with Sandra and let her express her feelings and thoughts in life. I will ask her what makes her upset. This will help to analyze any underachievement or personal issues in life that might be leading to sad feelings in her. I would also inquire about any past event or past relationship that has made her the person she is today. This is important to establish link between her feelings and behavior. In the next step, I would employ the technique of Socratic questioning to challenge maladaptive thoughts of Sandra. For example I may ask her Due to think it is right to be dissatisfied even when you have got a lucrative job opportunity which many people yearn for and still cannot get?. This technique would make the client question herself and apply logic to finally realize that the thought or feeling that she was having was not actually right (Kazantzis et al., 2014). This would help to Sandra to arrive at adaptive and realistic beliefs. Finally, after the validation of her irrational thought and feeling, I would help teach her practical ways to change her state of mind on a daily basis. Evaluation: The CBT approach to counseling will work for client because it focuses on current problems in client instead of focusing on past events. The solution-based approach to modify cognitive process in an individual enables them to cope better with issues in life. Research also gives strong evidence regarding the effectiveness of CBT in addressing anxiety disorders, general stress, depression and anger problems in people (Hofmann et al. 2012). As Sandra is also suffering from stress due to mood swings and disappointment, this would help her too. Acceptance and commitment therapy Technique used: While providing counseling to Sandra by the ACT technique, her past issues will be explored to see how she is not able to bring positive vibes in her life despite many positive occurrence. This would make the client accept the deficit within her in a positive way. I would help her in accepting her experience by compassionately stating that I understand you are having difficulty in letting go off the feeling of worthlessness, however we can work together to address this. This action will motivate Sandra to commit to new action and establish new relationship with her life experience. I would guide her to choose values based action by inquiring what is more important for her at this point of life. This would help her to identify value-based action and make commitment change behavior and attitude to achieve those things which she values most in life (Niles et al., 2014). Evaluation: ACT is distinct from other therapies as makes people accept unhealthy feelings and personal values within them and encourage them to learn healthier ways of living by committing to new behavior. Unlike cognitive therapy, it does not directly stop unwanted feelings in client, instead it encourages them to develop new and positive relationship with life experience (st, 2014).. Hence, this is going to be more effective for Sandra so that she learn new ways to make her life more fulfilling and adapt positive values to overcome feelings of worthlessness in life. Reference Beck, A. T., Freeman, A., Davis, D. D. (Eds.). (2015).Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Guilford Publications. Colarusso, C. A., Nemiroff, R. A. (2013).Adult development: A new dimension in psychodynamic theory and practice. Springer Science Business Media. Craske, M. G., Niles, A. N., Burklund, L. J., Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B., Vilardaga, J. C. P., Arch, J. J., ... Lieberman, M. D. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for social phobia: outcomes and moderators.Journal of consulting and clinical psychology,82(6), 1034. De Houwer, J. (2013).Advances in relational frame theory: Research and application. S. Dymond, B. Roche (Eds.). New Harbinger Publications. Demner, A. R. (2016). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.Pocket Guide to Addiction Assessment and Treatment, 259. Farmer, R. F., Chapman, A. L. (2016).Behavioral activation. American Psychological Association. Greenberg, L. S. (2017). Emotion-focused therapy of depression.Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies, 1-12. Hayes, S. C., Levin, M. E., Plumb-Vilardaga, J., Villatte, J. L., Pistorello, J. (2013). Acceptance and commitment therapy and contextual behavioral science: Examining the progress of a distinctive model of behavioral and cognitive therapy.Behavior therapy,44(2), 180-198. Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses.Cognitive therapy and research,36(5), 427-440. Kazantzis, N., Fairburn, C. G., Padesky, C. A., Reinecke, M., Teesson, M. (2014). Unresolved issues regarding the research and practice of cognitive behavior therapy: The case of guided discovery using Socratic questioning.Behaviour Change,31(01), 1-17. Niles, A. N., Burklund, L. J., Arch, J. J., Lieberman, M. D., Saxbe, D., Craske, M. G. (2014). Cognitive mediators of treatment for social anxiety disorder: comparing acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.Behavior therapy,45(5), 664-677. st, L. G. (2014). The efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.Behaviour research and therapy,61, 105-121.