Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hegel's impact on Christianity 19th Century Europe and Kierkegaard's Research Paper

Hegel's impact on Christianity 19th Century Europe and Kierkegaard's opposition to his teachings on Christianity - Research Paper Example His belief was that Christianity was the best form of religion practiced amongst all others and the Lutheran sect of Christianity was of a higher form when compared to Catholic, Puritan or Anglican sects. The main idea of Hegels dialectic is that all things and notions have internal contradictions. From Hegels point of view, understanding a thing or a notion will show that beneath the facade of an apparently simple view lies an inner contradiction. This inner contradiction would dissolve the simple form to a higher level, complex thing or idea that would properly withhold the contradiction. The triadic form of Hegel (being-nothingness-becoming/ immediate-mediate-concrete/ abstract-negative-concrete) describes this movement from inner contradiction to higher-level integration or unification ultimately gaining self realization which is the â€Å"absolute idea or knowledge† of mind and spirit or the closest, one can come to God. Hegel had given the need for dialectics and stated it is required to study things as they are and from there to show the bounds of partial classes of understanding. He referred to his dialectic as â€Å"the experience of consciousness† and its phen omenology as â€Å"the science of the experience of consciousness† (qtd. in Beiser 20). At the time of German idealism which was started by Hegel along with Fichte and Schelling he borrowed Kants theory of immanent ism and made it more radical or fundamental. Kant had modified enlightenments dogmatic emphasis on the world that is empirical and Hegel approved of it. However Kant had progressed till the â€Å"idealism of the finite† and according to Hegel it was not enough. Hegel wanted to develop idealism further so that faith and knowledge are inter-related and gelled together in the Absolute. He said that the traditional age old evidences of Gods existence were the

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